Anna Verde
Choreographer, director, producer of independent theater projects. Founder and director of the Averdera Dance Theater.
I think in images. I put multi-layered meanings. I'm looking for new forms.
"To find a new path, you need to leave the old road".
Omar Khayyam
Amazing stories of Ludovico Einaudi, Hans Zimmer, Max Richter and Olafur Ornalds, told through the language of body and music, wrapped in the amazing soft light of 1001 candles
"Picasso's minotaur, who either amuses himself, or indulges in love, or enters into a desperate struggle - this is Picasso himself".
Daniel - Henri Kahnweiler.
Exclusive Director's Weddings
Parties and performances in Italian style
Art Taurida 2021
Night of Museums in the operating workshop of the machine-building plant
Relationship story told in body language
Children's musical performance